
Now the dune crescendoed right in front of her. Had she climbed it? What side was she on? Did it matter? This weary could not answer.

Sifting it through her fingers, she couldn’t find the piece she was looking for. So she let that gentle wind catch them all instead.

She wrapped herself in the cool of the breeze. And when she woke, she smiled, for there was nothing left. Of this dune of memories.

Nothing, that is, but him.


5 thoughts on “pilgrim

    1. saynotoclowns says:

      Yes, relationship weary can go through the bones, can’t it? But letting go of the baggage that accumulates and trying to see things with fresh eyes, that’s the ongoing, interesting lol challenge. Plus, I love Fink’s music. A lot. 🙂
      Thanks so much for reading and the kind comment.

      Liked by 1 person

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