forget you (k)nots

(originally posted Dec 2016)




attempts to alienate confusion

decaf, a necessary intrusion

I miss you.


float me past the contusions

the knots in my shadow crave fusion

I spill you.


the fragments in frosty perfection

arranging the shards of reflection

I see you.


memory’s space incandescing

cauterise weds convalescing

I place you.


the pieces not lifed in competing

the peace not in ice but the heating

tapestried sensed in the meeting

I love you.



50 thoughts on “forget you (k)nots

          1. ourbeautifullies says:

            Hahahahaha I’m good chica! Really good! Yeah I started this a few months ago, finally really focusing on writing again. Getting some poetry flowing. Makes me happy.

            Of course!!! I’ve been carving out time in my day to sit and be on reader and catch up on other blogs and interact. I’m really bad at that!!! And that’s actually the best part of blogging so I sneak on and read while the kids are still asleep. You should come
            Check out some of my new poems, I’m really proud of them!

            Liked by 1 person

  1. Steve Simpson says:

    I read this and the next piece, which I thought could almost be a continuation. I really like the sense of touch and taste about both of them, whether hard or soft, fluid or brittle, unique phrasing and eloquent flow. I read through the comments carefully for fear I would meet myself and cause an explosion due to the temporal anomaly. Apparently I am still here, mostly intact. Great work, Vanessa.

    Liked by 2 people

              1. Muhammad Ibrahim Abdullah says:

                I will see that post ASAP. (At work and the bossman is running rounds and I am procrastinating lmfao).

                Speaking of “share the load” (Samwise Gamgee’s quote in LOTR part 3 movie), I have a ring of power now. A literal ring of power with a rock and silver and all. It keeps me calm.

                Thank you SNTC 🙂

                Liked by 1 person

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