Thanks to EC for this nomination for the Versatile Bloggers’ Award.
I still love these names…I wonder what the award ceremonies would be like…and as I have been on a strict diet lately, there must be cake. Lots of cake. And not crappy cake just because I have been on a diet and maybe I won’t notice…

I want to take a moment to wax long and lyrical about how much EC means to me. Or maybe not long…actually, the more I think about it, I realise I can’t put it into words. If I were still in my youthful dancing days, I could maybe perform a poignant yet hilarious dance. I’m sure it would bring everyone to tears, especially when they forget what the heck I am dancing for, and be poised ready, instead, to call 000 (US translation, 911).
I maintain that “like” buttons and WP awards do not give her talent, her brilliance, the credit she so clearly deserves. And I will attempt to answer her lyrical questions:

1.  How many years must a mountain exist before it is washed to the sea?
Must it? Will it? Why were mullets invented? I definitely have more questions than answers… maybe the answer is on that napkin Nik Kershaw wrote these random lyrics on:


2Is there life on Mars?
My head kind of hurts from considering how cavalier we are about life on earth…I haven’t been able to get to that question yet. If there were, it’s likely we would step on it as soon as we got there… I do love your song DB.


3. Where is my mind?
On some mystical plane, evidently, where you manage to come up with outrageously glorious expressions for your insights. I also adore Asgeir’s version of this song and thought of it first, sorry Pixies…I really do love you.

4. Have you ever seen the rain?
I just finished reading Anna Karenina for the first time. I am sure this is a book of rain. Tolstoy saw it, and somehow made it materialise. I am still recovering.

5. Why can’t I be you?
Short answer: I am really glad you aren’t. I am glad you are you.

6. Who knows where the time goes?
Does time “go”?

7. Why can’t we do it in the road?
In the road of what? I am assuming “it” means blogging, in which case I do it in the road of many things all of the time. But that is a whole other story. I believe I am meant to nominate other people as well. But I read this piece today, and kind of came to a halt.
So I thought I would share it. And some of you may have read it and know Nitin’s work. Lucidity by Nitin

And any of you, are very welcome to answer these questions if you feel so inclined?

Thank you! To EC and to reading ❤




46 thoughts on “VBA

  1. erroneouschoices says:

    I love nitin, I loved the link ❤️

    You know I love you, I’ve made it clear. Lol and thank you for your kind words dear.

    One thing, this might make the differences between you an I much greater than I ever imagined but….
    I assumed “it” was sex. Hahahahaha
    You’re cute and I’m deplorable 🤷‍♀️

    Liked by 2 people

    1. saynotoclowns says:

      Awwww I did too ❤ I just decided to go a different, silly way. Because I figured that is what everyone would expect, so, you know, the rebellious streak in me thought I’d go a different path. Bahaha You are not deplorable!

      Liked by 3 people

    1. saynotoclowns says:

      AK has wrecked me for a number of reasons. I’m so glad I read it.
      Yes, Nitin’s writing is amazing.

      And they are great questions…if you feel so inclined to answer them, I would love to read them. 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  2. DesertWells says:

    It is fun to see how different all our answers are, and I have now discovered who that mysterious V is! 😁 nice to meet you. I enjoyed your take on the questions very much.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Nitin says:

    Dear Vanessa,

    I apologise for the late reply. I only saw this now. I’ll send you a long email today too. I’m so glad you liked my piece and I’m thankful for your support. I’ve been having mixed bipolar episodes of late which rob me of a lot of precious time. I’m sorry I haven’t given your blog the attention I want to give it. But I plan on today. I’ll comment again later on your answers and on a few other posts. Take care of yourself.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. saynotoclowns says:

      Dear Nitin,
      You don’t need to apologise. It’s all right, I understand. When I don’t hear from you, I know there are good reasons. And I am not on here all the time either, I do when I can.

      And thank you, I received the email.

      Liked by 1 person

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