It’s funny, isn’t it…

the way we nod with our eyes

but disagree with the size

of an unspoken epiphany

and all the snips and the clips of we

trying to gather themselves up

to be examined

in the light bulb moment

that might change on the morrow

the nuances of sorrow

and the other venn diagrams

we find impossible to share

as we try to bear

the broken glass of the light bulb

in our hands


34 thoughts on “It’s funny, isn’t it…

  1. Abe says:

    Reblogged this on Constant Learner and commented:
    I know, it’s vague if I just say I love this poem, but I do! Ray Bradbury advises reading poetry, if for no other reason than for nourishing your subconscious, those ganglions and synapses and neurons.
    I can’t point to one particular thing about this poem that I adore; there’s more than one.
    SayNoToClowns is a talented, wise, awesome poetess.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. fitfulfearfulphantasmal says:

    I agree this one is good. I just really liked this idea that people come to an understanding between them (a light bulb) and later that gets forgotten or smashed by their own hands. It’s so painfully true sometimes. Vanessamwise Gamgeeeeeeeeeeee nice poem today!! eeee!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Steve Simpson says:

    A vivid and thought-provoking piece, Vanessa, and I’m not just saying that because of the Venn diagrams. 🤓 Love the allegory of the light globe flash transmuted to painful fragments.💚 I find those fashionable very large bulbs break easily, and it is definitely not that I am clumsy.

    Liked by 1 person

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