friendship (revisited)

Friendship is simple.
It’s also complex, but let’s ignore that.

It can be what we want it to be.
Well, sometimes. There is such a thing as unrealistic expectations but that’s not what this post is about. This post is simple. This post will simply concentrate on the lovely simplicity of simple friendship.

Take the friendship cats offer just as one example:

Can’t get more simple than that. (And when I say simple, I may mean complex)

Then there is the simple friendship of my five six year old niece, who I have posted about before with her awesome stories. She is also an amazing artist. Here is some of her work, capturing, once again, the simple friendship cats have to offer:


This cat is obviously simple, as it is talking to itself. (But wouldn’t you agree, this art is simply incredible?!)

I love our nieces. And our nephews. All of our family. But especially the ones who are cute. Pure and simple. They make me feel noble things like this:


And that’s pretty much all I think can be said for friendship. Please do not correct me if I am wrong.

[And please do not steal the artwork from this page.]


featured image: Johnathan Fink at Unsplash

24 thoughts on “friendship (revisited)

  1. Davy D says:

    As a professional cat butler the cats view of friendship is so true Vanessa. It would probably be doing that haughty gesture they do as it said it. As for taking a bullet, a minor graze nay be sufficient 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. saynotoclowns says:

      Yes…but then we might be delving into the more complex shades of friendship discussing that (what kind of bullet wounds I mean) lol.
      Ah, the cat thing…the most simply complex, or complexly simple, pets out there hahaha

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Davy D says:

        Our cat is now 14, in human years, and is a right diva 🙂 As an ex detective I could write you book on Shades of Bullet Wounds. May be a title of a poem Vanessa?

        Liked by 1 person

  2. S_MW says:

    Don’t you just hate it when people correct it when you’re wrong? That’s just effing rude. 😉 And as an artist myself, I just want to say how talented your niece is! I always get excited (yes, it actually thrills me) when I see creativity in children.

    I love cats too.
    And this blog.
    And my friends, some of whom are bloggers…
    and cats.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. saynotoclowns says:

      haha thank you so much for your awesome comment. I love it.
      My niece’s father is also an artist and she has inherited some serious ability from him. But they’re always having to stop her from walking around the house with scissors. She’ll cut up anything to use in her creations.
      She’s also little and gets picked on for it, so I think it is an outlet for her. Ugh, kids can be cruel. She’s adorable.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. S_MW says:

        A lot of artists get picked on. I never was until I went to Art School and encountered a bullying tutor. Grown man belittling a teenage girl…jeez. I’ve wrote about it, and him (of course) lol. My dad was an artist too, a very talented man. Art is an outlet for me. I often forget to do anything else if I’m making or drawing or painting.

        I would honestly love to see more of your niece’s work and please tell her that I love it. I used to take an art class with kids around 7 or 8 at the local school. One boy had real learning difficulties and couldn’t stay focused at all. It was hard to engage him with anything. One day I told him to paint with his fingers instead of a brush and he was completely engrossed for the whole lesson. I swear, that touched me so much. All my kids are really artistic. I still have their art on the kitchen wall and the youngest is 19 tomorrow haha.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. saynotoclowns says:

          Were you really? What the hell is wrong with people?
          My closest childhood friend’s father was a very successful artist. He died last year. i’m still in denial i think. I loved his artistic and musical sensibilities. He was funny and very generous. My great great uncle was an amazing artist. His work is in some of the galleries in Australia’s capital cities but alas, it did not filter down, darn it! 😔
          And thank you, I will pass that on. That’s very sweet.
          oh the finger painting was a great idea!
          That’s wonderful if your kids inherited those genes! What a lovely thing to share.


          1. S_MW says:

            I know…right? Lol. My dad went to Art College when he was about 37 (and he finished the year before I went) but he retired from Art eventually. He was a musician though. He was in bands from the age of 14 and he last played 2 weeks before he died at 80. My dad was my inspiration and my biggest cheerleader. Sorry that I’ve over-commented on your blog…but it stirred up feelings.

            The cat drawing is a very mature piece of art. It’s so good to see that level of observation from a child.

            Liked by 1 person

            1. saynotoclowns says:

              please don’t apologise. Your comments are interesting 🙂
              Wow, your dad sounds very inspirational! I’m sure you must really miss him!
              And I agree, her art amazes me.
              (I’d write more but my phone signal sucks where i am right now.)

              Liked by 1 person

  3. Diana says:

    Being a dog person I prefer cat memes and your niece’s lovely artwork to the real creatures that have stalked me at night when I was cat sitting 🙂 A sweet read my fellow coulrophobic!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. saynotoclowns says:

      Haha well i do like cats and dogs. they really make me laugh, for different reasons. You’re right, cats can be creepy lol…
      And thank you! I’m glad you enjoyed it!
      (coulrophobics unite! nothing unreasonable about it, dictionary!! 🤓)


  4. Davy D says:

    Thank you for re-posting this Vanessa. It still makes me giggle and the message is so powerful in its simplicity. Still working on the book “Fifty Shades of Bullet Wounds”. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Steve Simpson says:

    You’ve described friendship exactly right, Vanessa. Some call it lying, I call it diplomacy. When I’ve paid for my friend’s coffee/wine/bail (the price of friendship), I don’t want to be told that I suck, suck, suck at everything or be corrected when I decide to drive the wrong way down a one-way street. 😸 (sincerity cat style) 🦆 (critical wood duck) And all the best for 2018.

    Liked by 1 person

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