what are the words for mothers’ day? (revisited as a Christmas meditation)

a day that’s already bled in
(365 times Hallmark)
to our psyches’ movement
through mountained plains

perpetual translating
of the countenanced refrains
that echo
after birth.

The depth obfuscated, unsung
we play punctiliously with undone
and the cardium layers hold hands
tremoring with the ache
of a thousand forms.

And there’s no way to finish these lines
kaleidoscoped mystery of a Child’s eyes…


image from Pexels.com

23 thoughts on “what are the words for mothers’ day? (revisited as a Christmas meditation)

  1. Davy D says:

    Loved those last two lines Vanessa. Even as we grow older we keep those kaleidoscoped eyes, where Mothers are concerned.(or else we get in big trouble) My mam’s favourite saying, “your not too big for a clout.” 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. saynotoclowns says:

      Hi Gina!
      I’m glad you think so, thank you.
      I think that God choosing to come to us through a woman, is infinitely fascinating. And the eyes of that Baby, holding infinite mysteries He had come to resolve. It’s mind boggling.
      I hope you are finding some peace during this Christmas season? Blessings on your New Year Gina! 💕

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Singledust says:

        blessings to you to Vanessa! its been a bittersweet time, rejoicing our Savior’s birth yet feeling a loss so acute its almost a physical pain, we have joy between our sad moments of remembering him. The baby came to shake the world up, for us to sit up and listen and be affected and not fall into deep slumber of complacency and acceptance. He challenges each and everyone of us with things we think impossible but with His grace it is all possible.

        Liked by 1 person

    2. saynotoclowns says:

      PS that’s an interesting thought about your kids, I guess it depends on your relationship and how different it might be compared to yours with your own mother? My mother and I are very close, but of course, there is still so much I wish I knew about her. I am so glad she has always been good at keeping journals!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Singledust says:

        i have written about my mother in some of my stories here but we have a very peculiar relationship, we have never got along, I am the most inconsequential of her children. But as she gets older I want to care for her yet she pushes me away. My mother is a strong woman, my kids say I am too fragile, that’s why she can’t handle me! Haha! My kids on the other hand feel a fierce protectiveness over this light as air mother of theirs! I asked them today and got this response! I am so happy to hear about your relationship with your mother, it’s a treasured one Vanessa, and that she journals means she wants to pass on her legacy of memories.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. saynotoclowns says:

          I am sorry it’s been so hard with your Mum. Your kids sound very insightful. I’m sure there are all kinds of complex reasons she is the way she is. She may even feel unworthy of your love, which could be one of the reasons she pushes you away.
          Your kids sound like they’ve inherited your lovely spirit.
          I have been fortunate having the mother I have. We really have always been friends. And she journals because, good or bad, she finds life interesting. I’m so glad she has!
          And i’m so glad you write! ❤️


    1. saynotoclowns says:

      Awwww this is one of the best comments ever!! You have helped me end the year on such a wonderful note. I can’t thank you enough for your generous, inspiring spirit!
      Lots of love! You are one in a gazillion! 🌸💐🦋💌

      Liked by 1 person

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