title? but I’m trying to restrain myself

Life, its cruise, untils and snooze and streams of semi-consciousness,
time and ruse and bills and flus and beams of demi-righteousness,

cracks and crevices,
furtive nemesis,
falling in
deceitful fetishes,

the current, it fools
in ego pools

and just how many tsunamis can fit in here,

I’ll be over here with my tea,



im sorry
Remember this? I mean the meme. I mean, I hope you didn’t drive your truck into a tree…



57 thoughts on “title? but I’m trying to restrain myself

    1. saynotoclowns says:

      backing away in bewilderment, realising the futility of being involved. It all depends on context of course, but this is one of the ways I let off steam, writing like this. Trying to see some of the humour in it.
      (Also aware, that any human is vulnerable to ego issues, and sometimes I don’t want mine to get involved and do damage either!) 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. anie says:

        that’s very wise words again, Vanessa. And you can certainly ponder your poetry for hours, because every word has its value and I feel very well.
        “furtive nemesis
        falling in
        deceitful fetishes,

        the current fools
        in ego pools “.
        It always depends on the involvement of how involved in a thing. And in Germany there is a saying: “Humor is when you laugh anyway!” … I admire your humor … really!

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Davy D says:

    Brilliant Vanessa. There is a touch of e e cummings here. Not the driving, the poetry 🙂 Each time I read this post (title, poem and picture) something different pops into my head. At the moment I’m thinking, Do they still make shirts like that? And in that colour?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. ivor20 says:

    Hi Vanessa, I’m having trouble catching up, I haven’t put my truck up a tree “yet”, just been tripping over too many egos on the way here, and I might need one of those shirts, I’m cruising soon, ask hubby if they have Hawaiian style colours.

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Karim says:

        Well I haven’t dabbled in the art of wrapping my car (or myself for that matter), around a tree at a violent speed yet. I did hug a tree once. I got a shirt full of sap and angry ants. 5/7 would not recommend 😛

        Liked by 1 person

    1. saynotoclowns says:

      And hey! maybe you should be bringing that poetry out??? I haven’t spent enough time on your blog yet, have I missed some already that is hiding in a corner?
      oh wait, you meant 10/10 guys like this would crash truck again? I misread your comment. Which has made me laugh pretty hard…
      And it is, let’s all admit, quite the accomplishment getting it up there…I’d feel pretty awesome LOL.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Karim says:

        That’s not a bad idea. I’m usually pretty shy about my poetry even though some of it is published (the irony). But you’ve inspired me, I will post some throwbacks. Haven’t done a whole lot recently. And on the 10/10, I was being a meme kid, but your interpretation is better haha. Aww dude I’d prolly get fired from work because I wouldn’t want to come down lollll.

        Liked by 1 person

          1. Karim says:

            #humblebrag but seriously it’s nothing crazy. I’m surprised they chose my work honestly. Agreed, the outlet is necessary. Can’t really imagine my life without putting my experiences on paper.

            Liked by 1 person

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